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Transfer History

To search for a specific transfer or type of transaction, use the magnifying glass in the top right corner.

Search criteria:

  • Search for: free form search that can be used for a transaction description, amount..etc.
  • Date Range:
    • Last 7 Days: will search through the last 7 days of transactions
    • This month: will search through the current month of transactions
    • Last month: will search through the last month of transactions
    • Last 6 months: will search through the last 6 months of transactions
    • Custom: Custom date range can be input
  • Transfer type: select the transaction type you wish to search by. For this specific section, select Transfer.

Once information is entered, select Search. The screen will note results:

You can use the > to the right of the transaction to expand the information:

The download button allows you to download a PDF of the transaction you are reviewing:


See Also

Loan Payment History

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