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Conversion Options

When a new financial institution begins using the CSI Digital Banking product with bill pay there are 3 different ways bill pay may be established.

  • New financial institution to bill pay: a financial institution that has never used bill pay before, but begins offering the product. These financial institutions would just turn the bill pay tab on and allow users to begin signing up.
  • Re-enroll: a financial institution that had bill pay before on a previous provider, but is not offering an automated conversion. The financial institution’s customers will need to build their payees and bill schedules again on the new system.
  • Conversion: a financial institution that had bill pay before on a previous provider and has chosen an automated conversion of their bill pay information. The original bill pay provider delivers conversion files to the new provider. The new provider converts the financial institution’s customers’ payee and pay schedule information. CSI Digital Banking must align internet banking customers with the Bill Pay Subscriber IDs provided by the bill pay system. In some cases the CSI Digital Banking conversion program may assign the Bill Pay Subscriber ID. In other cases, the IDs may have to be loaded with a custom utility program. There are multiple criteria that drive this with the primary being what is provided in the internet banking conversion files.

Note: When a customer has multiple profiles from a conversion and the bank opts to use the "I have a username" option to allow customers to combine accounts into one login, the max or highest value from either users account permissions is applied to the user who has the lower permissions.

For instance if Customer A has "Transfer In" permission turned off and Customer B has "Transfer In" turned on then when the merge occurs Customer A will have the "Transfer Permission" turned on. The merge will not turn off any permissions or decrease limits, it will only turn on or increase limits.


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