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Bank Settings

The individual financial institution settings are entered in through the System tab of the CSI Digital Banking Admin system. The Bill Pay dropdown must be changed to CheckFree.

Once the Bill Pay provider has been set to CheckFree, a new ‘Edit’ link for CheckFree Settings becomes available. The following fields are required and values are provided by CheckFree:

  • Sponsor ID – the individual ID at CheckFree for this financial institution
  • Encryption Initialization Vector – a key used for encryption
  • Production Encryption Key 1, 2 and 3 – The "private" keys used for encrypting enrollment data
  • Last Key Update – Date of last encryption key change
  • CheckFree Key Update Frequency (days) – Controls how often encryption keys are updated
  • Key Change URL – The URL the system uses to update the encryption keys
  • Login URL – The URL the system uses when initiating a single sign-on
  • Client App Text – Contains the name of the Fiserv product CSI IB uses
  • Client App Version – Contains the version number of the Fiserv product CSI IB uses
  • Product Name - Contains the name of the Fiserv product CSI IB uses
  • Product Version - Contains the version number of the Fiserv product CSI IB uses


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