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Approving an ACH Batch

Approving an ACH batch can be done through multiple methods. You can either click on the "ACH" menu item within the menu on the left side of the screen or click on the ACH batches section of the Overview on the landing page. On the Overview section of the digital banking landing page, you will be able to see how many ACH batches are scheduled and how many of those batches are awaiting approval.

The next screen you will see will include all Scheduled ACH Batches and Tax Payments (Approved, Unapproved, and Saved for Later batches) and ACH History. Under the ACH Batches section you will be able to see the status of an ACH batch, as well as the name, effective date, and credit/debit totals. By clicking on the pencil icon in the top right corner of the ACH batches section you can enable multi approval/unapproval from this screen. To approve batches one by one, you can click on an individual ACH batch from this list.

Clicking on an ACH batch from this list will take you to the ACH Batch detail screen. Here you can see the individual detail records contained within the batch, as well as various other informational fields. Near the middle of the screen, you will see the status of the batch (whether it is approved or unapproved). By clicking on the status, you can change the status to either approve or unapproved a batch. This change will be reflected on the prior screen as well as on the Overview section of the landing page.


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