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IP Tracking (GeoLocation) and Access


Geo-location is the identification of the real-world geographic location associated with the IP address of the digital banking customer logging into the system. Geo-location is available to multiple areas of the system. The Admin screen for cash management review and approval includes the location the user submitted transactions from. The system can provide reporting options by geo-location.

Internet Protocol Address/Geo-location Blacklisting

A blacklist is a list of Internet Protocol (IP) Addresses or real-world geographic locations that cannot connect to the digital banking system. The financial institution can specify individual or a block of IP addresses that cannot access the Digital Banking System. The financial institution can also designate a geographic location that cannot access the Digital Banking System.

Internet Protocol Address/Geo-location Whitelisting

A whitelist is an approved list of Internet Protocol (IP) Addresses or Geo-locations that can connect to the digital banking system. The financial institution can use an authorized list per each individual digital banking customer. They can also enable a separate list that governs connections to the admin portal. Attempts to connect to the system from an IP Address or Geo-location that is not a part of the whitelist will be denied. The list of IP Addresses and geo-locations override the financial institution’s established Blacklist allowing an individual customer to access the Digital Banking System from a possible suspect location while leaving all other customers protected.

IP Address Tracking and Reporting

There is also a reporting system for IP addresses used by the digital banking customer when accessing the system. The digital banking customer can view the last several IP addresses used to access their online banking and the times and days associated with the activity.


See Also


Multi-Factor Authentication

Physical and Environmental Controls

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