Using Dynamic Query

122122 - New page security report - REV 71919 CKJ

The current available queries are:

Some of these seem self-explanatory, but it would be helpful to provide more information about each of the reports -- use, selection criteria for filtering the contents, etc.   


The Highlights includes a brief description of the Page Security Report and selection criteria.  This information is not listed below in the instructions.

Last Login

Disabled Accounts

Next Month’s Birthdays

Next Month’s Anniversaries

Corporate Contacts



User Directory

Personal Contacts

Phone Numbers

My Manager

User Pictures

User Emergency Contacts

Page Hit Counts


Page Security

122122 Page Security Report added to the list of available queries.

From the Menu dropdown at the top of the Secure Connect screen, select Dynamic Query.  Then, select a report from the drop-down menu and click the Get Report button. Depending on the report selected, you will be taken to a screen where report parameters can be defined.

Several reports allow you to choose the classification of the users and the date range based on their login. Other reports allow you to simply choose the classification of the users, or the classification and policy type.  After those selections have been made, click Submit Query to generate the report.

The instructions would be more useful if they were categorized by report or included headings.  Users could skim to find the info they need more easily.


A number of reports let you choose which fields to include in the report or which fields and the classification of the users. Make those selections and click Create Report to generate the report.

The Page Security report allows Site Administrators to see and edit which users have the ability to read and edit all pages.


After selecting the Page Security report, choose the area you'd like the report to cover: all pages, secure pages only, or normal pages only.  Make your selection and then click Display Report.

After choosing the Phone Numbers report, click Yes to include disabled accounts; click No to exclude them.

A few reports simply generate the report and ask you if you want to Open or Save the file, or the file opens automatically.