Forms Security

122946 ability to one-click to user profile for form administrators was added - NEW 111919 CKJ

Site Administrators can access a Security Report in the Forms Engine that displays the administrators of all uploaded forms. This report also allows one-click access to each user's profile page.

Navigate to Forms and then choose the action drop-down next to Available Forms to reveal the option to open the Forms Security Report.

Would be helpful to include this info from the Highlights: this report also allows one-click access to each user's profile page.

Each form will be listed in alphabetical order along with each administrator for that form.  The list may be sorted by form or by user by clicking the action dropdown and choosing the appropriate setting.

A sample would be helpful here.


A sample is already included below.


Ohhhh, I get it.  I was confused.  The sample only has one form and the name is highlighted so I thought this sample was for the instruction to access the user profile.  It would be helpful to include a sample that shows more forms here.


You can click the name of the form administrator to immediately proceed to their user profile. 

I moved this sentence so it is above the sample that has the user name highlighted.