Skills Administrator

Site Administrators and those with Human Resources security rights can create Skill Groups and individual Skills within those groups to be listed on users’ personal profiles. To create Skill Groups, click the dropdown arrow at the top of the User Directory box and select Skills Administrator from the menu.

To add a Skills Group, click the Add Group button.  To edit, click the Edit Group button; and to delete a Skills Group completely, click the Remove Group button. The same actions apply to the individual Skills in order to add, edit or remove.

When finished adding, editing and/or removing Skill Groups and Skills, click the Update Skills button on the right side of the screen.

Only Site Administrators, users with HR security rights or User Add/Edit/Delete rights and the individual user can add or edit the skills listed on each user profile. To add or edit an individual’s skills, go to his/her profile and select Edit Skills from the dropdown menu.

From the Skills Inventory for (user) screen, skill groups, skills and proficiency levels can be added or removed from the user’s profile. Make your desired changes and click the Submit button on the right side of the screen.

The Skills Inventory will be displayed on the user’s profile for everyone to view.