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Requests tab

Enrollments can be Filtered by Date by entering the desired Start and End Dates.

Each column can be filtered to a specific value by entering the desired information in the field under the column header.


  • Date Enrolled
  • SSN
  • Name
  • Email
  • Phone
  • CIF: Shows which Self-Enrollment requests were verified using the CIF MFA process.
    • Requests that have been verified with CIF contact information will be shown with a green check. (If your bank uses the Require Employee Approval setting for self-enrollment, you will need to click on Approve before the user can complete the self-enrollment process.)
    • If the user selected "None" or "Get Help Here" during the enrollment process, a red "X" will be displayed. These requests must be manually approved here before the user can complete the self-enrollment process.
  • Actions:
    • Approve: If the Require Employee Approval option is checked on the Enrollment >> Settings tab, two options will be given for sending the setup link. Internet Banking and Digital Banking.

    • Deny:


See Also

Settings tab

SSNs tab

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