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Money Movement report

The Money Movement report gives a detailed view of online money movement. It is a break down of data by channel (browser and mobile device), number of users, transactions, and transaction amounts. The report can be narrowed down in various ways:

  • Report Type:
    • All
    • Internal Transfers
    • External Transfers
    • Internal Payments
    • External Payments
    • Advances
    • Bill Payments
    • P2P Transfers
    • Mobile Deposits
  • Totals: displays totals
  • Averages: displays averages
  • Date
    • Daily: displays a daily information; one month maximum
    • Monthly: displays monthly information; 24 month maximum
    • Annual: displays yearly information; 10 year maximum
    • Custom: choose a range from 1 day to 10 years
  • Get Report: display the report
  • Save New Report: save the report

Report Example: All Transactions/Totals/Monthly


See Also

Login by Channel report

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