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Editing a Company

To edit a company, click on the company from the list that you wish to edit.

Here, you can view company details, participants, and limits.

All fields and settings on the Details screen are editable.

Sub-users can be added to a company by clicking the + Add Sub-Users button (if sub-users are available).

The Add/Edit Sub-User screen will be displayed. Users can select the sub-user they wish to add by clicking on the Sub-User field.

The selected sub-user will be displayed in the Add/Edit Sub-User screen.

Two permissions are displayed for sub-users - Modify Company and Modify Participants. Once all fields are set as desired, click save.

Once saved, the sub-user will be listed in the sub-users section.

Accounts can be added to a company by clicking the + Add Accounts button.

The Select Accounts screen will be displayed. All existing checking and savings accounts will be displayed.

Users can select the account(s) they wish to add and then clicking the continue button.

The selected accounts will be listed in the accounts section of the New Company screen.

Sub-users and accounts can be removed by clicking the Remove button for the desired account or sub-user.

Once all desired changes have been made, you can click Save All to save changes or click on the Participants or Limits sections to view/edit information there.

Next, you’ll be directed to the Company Participants screen. Any existing company participants and universal participants will be displayed. To add a new participant to the company, click the + Add Participant button.

To create a new participant, enter participant information and then scroll down to add an account to the participant.

Account(s) can be added by clicking the + Add Accounts button.

The Participant Account screen will be displayed. Enter values for all fields and then click the save button to add it to the participant.

Once all desired information and fields have been added, click Save to add the participant to the company.

The new participant will be displayed on the Company Participants screen. Once all desired participants are added, click the Next button to move on. You can also view/edit and delete participants by clicking the three dots and selecting the desired action.

Once all changes and/or additions have been made to participants, users can save changes to the company by clicking Save All or can navigate to the Details or Limits tabs to review or edit company information.

Company Limits can be reviewed by clicking the Limits header.

Once all desired changes have been made, click Save All to save changes to the company.


See Also

Accessing Company Management

Create New Company

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