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Card Report Lost/Stolen

The Report Card Lost/Stolen feature lets users report a misplaced or compromised card directly from Digital Banking with just a few clicks.

Giving your users 24/7 access to report a lost or stolen card not only frees up your customer service staff, it lets users report a card as soon as the discovery is made. Faster reporting reduces the opportunity for potentially fraudulent activity.

Once a card is reported as lost or stolen within Digital Banking…

  • The system will immediately place a Restricted status on it preventing further activity.
  • Bank Employees will see the Restricted status if they inquire on the account.
  • The card will no longer be listed in the user's Manage Card List within Digital Banking.
  • A Lost/Stolen Card Security Alert is automatically sent to the user.
  • The card will be listed on the Cardholder Maintenance Report (AT-105).
  • Cards that cannot be recovered or were compromised will need to be manually re-issued according to your bank's policy. Standard pricing will apply for any replacement card that is generated for the user.
  • Cards that have been recovered or were reported in error can be reactivated through the Cardholder Maintenance screen at no additional charge.

Security Alert Customization

Users can elect to change the email delivery method of the alert to a text or push notification, if preferred, or have the alert sent to multiple devices for added security. As always, users can easily turn off these alerts if they wish to do so.

Set Up the Report Card Lost/Stolen Feature for Your Bank

Contact Customer Service to set up the Report Card Lost / Stolen feature for your bank. If you do not have the Card Management feature enabled, you will need to request it as well. Both the Card Management and the new Report Card Lost/Stolen features can be activated at no additional charge. If a new card is generated for the user, standard charges will apply.

Once the Report Card Lost/Stolen feature has been established for your bank, it will be available for all users with Card Management permission. The standard wording on the Lost/Stolen card screens and the Email Alert can be customized by your bank.

Customize the Security Alert Message

A new Card Lost/Stolen security alert will be automatically sent whenever a missing card is reported on an account. By default, the alert will be sent to the user's email address.

A standard message for the alert is provided. Your Admin can customize this message by editing the new Card Report Lost/Stolen Email Template. Users will have the ability to change the email delivery of the alert to a text or push notification, have the alert sent to multiple devices, or turn it off if preferred.

  1. From the Messages Tab - Manage Email Templates Sub-Tab, find the Card Report Lost/Stolen Template in the Edit Template List. Select Edit Email.

  2. The Template Edit screen will display the standard Card Report Lost/Stolen email. The following fields will be available for edit:
    • Email Template Name: Name that will be displayed in your Email Template list. This name is not visible to your Digital Banking Users.
    • Email Subject: Subject Line of the email.
    • Default Email Body: Text of the email that will be sent to your Digital Banking users.

  3. Once you have completed your edits, select Save. These changes will be reflected in the Card Report Lost/Stolen emails for your bank.

Custom Text on the Report Lost or Stolen Card Screens

The standard wording on the Lost or Stolen Card and Report success screens can also be customized by your bank.

  1. From the Bank Settings Tab – Custom Text Sub-Tab, open the Managed Cards dropdown.
  2. Select Report Lost or Stolen. Edit the standard message displayed in the text box and select Save. The new text will now be displayed when the user reports a card as lost or stolen.

To Customize the Report Lost or Stolen Success Screen:

Select Report Lost or Stolen Success from the Managed Card dropdown. Repeat the steps above to edit the standard message and select Save. The new text will now be displayed when a user successfully reports a card as lost or stolen.


See Also

Adding/Editing Email Templates

Data Element Examples

Sample Email and Text Alerts

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