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Sub Users Reports

Options for report selection display in the drop-down box.

Access Rights - This report will show the permission of each Subuser grouped by their master user. It can be run for all users, by a specific Subuser User Name or the master’s User Name.

The report separates master users, sub-users are separated within their master users, and accounts are separated within sub-users. If the Admin Sub-User option is enabled for your bank, Sub-users that have been created by Admin Sub-users also display on the Sub-user Access Rights report.

You can select to filter the report by Sub-user or Master Username, and a dropdown list will be displayed that only includes sub-users or master users depending on which option you select. The admin sub-users and the sub-users they created will be included on the sub-user username filter.

The Master Username filter will include only Master Usernames.

With Admin Sub-user checked, only admin sub-users appear on the report. This checkbox will only appear if Admin Sub-users have been enabled for your bank.


See Also

Saved Reports tab

ACH reports

Administration Reports

Daily Functions reports

Fraud Reports

Maintenance Reports

Page Stats report

Positive Pay Reports

Wire Reports

Voice Reports

Analytics Reports

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