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ACH Filtering

This tab is only visible when enabled.

This is the page where the user reviews transactions and maintains ACH filtering. The page is divided into five grids. First, the user must select which account they would like to view filtering options for; data on the individual tabs is account based.

The email addresses seen are also tied to the account chosen. Email addresses can be added, edited, and deleted as desired.

Transaction Review: When transactions match a watchlist or blacklist filter, they are displayed here for the user to review. The user can choose to accept the item or reject the item.

The user can expand an item to view more details, including why the item is up for review.

Review History: Once a user makes a change to a transaction’s status, it will appear on the Review History tab.

The user has the ability to see items from the Last 7 Days, This Month, Last Month, and custom Date Range.

Users can expand transactions here as well to see more details.

Manage Whitelisting: Here, users can add companies that they wish to whitelist as well as add rules for the action the system should take for companies that are not listed here.

When adding a new company, the user must supply a company ID. Company name is optional.

If no other whitelisted companies exist, the user will be prompted to setup rules for unlisted companies.

The company and unlisted company rules can then be seen.

If the only whitelisted company is deleted, so too are the unlisted company actions.

Manage Whitelists: Here users have the ability to add filters that identify transactions the user would like to watch. Any transactions matching these filters will then be displayed on the Transaction Review tab for the customer to make decisions on.

Users can add watches based on SEC codes, Company IDs, and/or Transaction criteria based on which customer permissions they have enabled. When setting up these watches, the user will be instructed to specify the code or company ID they wish to make the watch for in addition to whether they would to apply the watch to credits only, debits only, or both types of transactions.

Example of setup screens:

Watches based on Transaction Criteria can be setup for either the entire account or a specific company.

The user is then asked if they wish to apply to all credit/debit transactions, if they do not wish to do so, they can enter specifications here.

Manage Blacklists: Here users have the ability to add filters that identify transactions the user would like to block. Any transactions matching these filters will then be displayed on the Transaction Review tab for the customer to make decisions on. They will be shown with a status of Rejected.

Adding blocks works in the same way as adding watches.


See Also

ACH Batches

ACH History

Tax Payments



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