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How to Dispute a Transaction

If your bank has set up the Transaction Dispute feature, you will be able to report an issue with a card transaction. A dispute can be submitted up to 120 days after the transaction is submitted.

  1. When viewing account activity, select the transaction that you want to report. The Transaction Details will be displayed.
  2. Select Report an issue with this transaction at the bottom of the window.

  3. The Transaction Dispute Form will display. Select Reason for Dispute to continue.

  4. The Select a Reason Window will be displayed. Choose the applicable reason.

    Note: If you select "Other," the Additional Details field on the Transaction Dispute Form will be required.

  5. After you choose the reason, it will return to the Transaction Dispute Form.

  6. You can then add more information to the dispute by filling out the last three optional fields:
    • Did cardholder authorize, participate, or benefit from transaction?
    • Was card in customer’s possession?
    • Additional Details (required if you chose Other as the Dispute Reason)
  7. When you are finished entering details, select Submit.
  8. The Transaction Dispute Submitted window will be displayed.

  9. A copy of the dispute will be added to your messages.

Once the item has been resolved by a bank employee, the Transaction Dispute message will update to show the new status:


See Also

How to View Notices

How to Access Download Options

Enabling Peer to Peer (P2P) for a Customer

How to Register for Online Statements

How to Set Up a Company

How Does the Positive Pay Process Work?

Adding a New External Account (Checking or Savings) as a Customer

Text Banking Commands

RDC (Remote Deposit Capture)



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