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Companies report

The Companies Report provides the ability to generate two types of reports: Detail and Summary.


When choosing the Detail version of the report, users have the ability to filter by any or all of the following options: Company Batch Name (the Company Short Name), Company Name, Name, and Username. Search fields appear next to the filters when checked:

The Detail report lists users (who have at least one company) by Username and Name. All companies belonging to the user are then listed. Under each company, all Subusers are listed (if Subusers exist) and the Subuser’s ability to modify the company and participants is also displayed:


The Summary version of the report provides the filters for Company Batch Name, Company Name, Identification, and EIN, and corresponding search fields appear next to the filter when checked. These can be used in any combination and are not required to generate a report.

In addition to the information prompted by the filters, the Summary report lists the number of Scheduled Batches for the next 7 days, the next 30 days, and the total number of Scheduled Batches. It also has a column for Unscheduled Batches for each company.


See Also

Authenticators report

Batch (History) report

Batch (Scheduled) report

External Accounts report

Files Created report

Tax Payments report

Transaction History report

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