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Authenticators report

The Authenticators report includes data from each of the tabs under the Security >> Authenticator tab.

You are able to refine the report by several options:

  • Customer Assigned (Detail and Summary)
  • Employee Assigned
  • Unassigned
  • Lost

You are also able to filter by nine options depending on the Report type selected above:

  • Require Authenticator on Login (yes/no)
  • Authenticator Name
  • Owner - Person that Authenticator is assigned to.
  • Serial Number
  • Assigned By
  • Last Modified By
  • Account Number
  • Account Name
  • Account Permissions

Customer Detail Report:

The Detail version can be filtered by any or all of the following options: Require Authenticator on Login, Authenticator Name, Owner, Serial Number, Assigned By, Last Modified By, Account Number, Account Name, Account Permissions. Search fields appear next to the filters when checked.

Includes all of the summary data on one level, and then all of the accounts on another level.

The Summary Data includes:

  • Authenticator Name
  • Owner
  • Serial Number
  • Require Authenticator on Login
  • Assigned By
  • Last Modified By

The Account Level includes:

  • The Account Number
  • Account Name
  • Require for Wire Approval
  • Require for ACH Approval
  • Require for SubUser Save
  • Require for Tax Payment Approval
  • Require to Access Cash Management
  • Require For External Transfers
  • Require for Positive Pay Exceptions – Save Decisions

Customer Summary Report:

The Summary version can be filtered by any or all of the following options: Require Authenticator on Login, Authenticator Name, Owner, Serial Number, Assigned By, and Last Modified By. Search fields appear next to the filters when checked.

The Summary Data includes:

  • Authenticator Name
  • Owner
  • Serial Number
  • Require Authenticator on Login
  • Assigned By
  • Last Modified By

Employee Report:

The Employee Report can be filtered by any or all of the following options: Require Authenticator on Login, Authenticator Name, Owner, Serial Number, Assigned By, Last Modified By and Require Authenticator to Save SCH File. Search fields appear next to the filters when checked. This report does not have summary and detail versions.

The Employee Report Data includes:

  • Authenticator Name
  • Owner
  • Serial Number
  • Require Authenticator on Login
  • Require Authenticator to Save ACH File
  • Assigned By
  • Last Modified By

Unassigned Report:

The Unassigned report will simply list the serial numbers of all of the institution’s unassigned tokens. There are no filters. This report does not have summary and detail versions.

Lost Report:

The Lost Report lists authenticators which have been reported lost. It can be filtered by any or all of the following options: Reported Lost By, Authenticator Name, Previously Tied To, and Serial Number. Search fields appear next to the filters when checked. This report does not have summary and detail versions.


See Also

Batch (History) report

Batch (Scheduled) report

Companies report

External Accounts report

Files Created report

Tax Payments report

Transaction History report

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