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Batch (History) report


The Summary report groups batches together first by company, and then breaks them down by batch.

Standard Summary report:

You are able to search each of these reports by several different fields -

  • Company Name: The Company for which the batch was created.
  • Batch Name: The name for the batch as given by the person who created it.
  • Account: The offsetting account for the batch.
  • Debit Amount Range: A range of batches from a min amount to a max amount. For example: batches with debit amounts ranging from $100.00 to $400.00.
  • Credit Amount Range: A range of batches from a min amount to a max amount. For example: batches with credit amounts ranging from $100.00 to $400.00.
  • Approved By (Username): Once this option is checked, you can search by which employee and/or customer approved the batch.
  • Confirmation #: The confirmation number of the approved batch. Unapproved batches are not assigned confirmation numbers.
  • Same Day Batches Only: Click the box to display only Same Day ACH batches
  • Location: The location from which the batch was approved.
  • IP Address: The IP address from which the batch was approved.


The detail report groups the batches together per batch, and is in alphabetical order by batch name.

Several filter options are not available when switching to the detail report. The Approved By (Username), Location, and IP Address search fields disappear. However, a Detail Name search option appears. Each “detail” of the batch is broken down to show names, account, and amount information.

Standard Detail Report:

*This report is printed in landscape format.


See Also

Authenticators report

Batch (Scheduled) report

Companies report

External Accounts report

Files Created report

Tax Payments report

Transaction History report

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