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Inactive Users report

This report can be filtered by username, name, who deleted the user, who disabled the user, email address, and whether the user has logged in. These new search fields are not required, and they can be used in any combination to create a variety of reports.

Search fields will appear when the Username, Name, and the Email Address checkboxes are marked. None of these search fields are case-sensitive.

When the Deleted and Disabled checkboxes are chosen, a dropdown menu which defaults to ALL appears; the ALL menu option will select all users who have been Deleted/Disabled. These dropdowns also contain options to filter those who have been deleted or disabled Due to inactivity; they also contain a register of the usernames of users who have deleted or disabled others, so the option to filter users who have been deleted or disabled by a particular username is available within each of these dropdowns.

The Has logged in checkbox creates the ability to display only inactive users who have successfully logged into Digital Banking.

Previously, the report only displayed the name, date of last login, and whether the user has logged in. In addition to these fields, the report now displays the username, email address, who disabled the user, and who deleted the user. If the user was disabled or deleted due to inactivity, this will appear on the report, as well. If the user has been disabled but not deleted, the Deleted field will read "No." If a user is deleted before they set up a username, the username field will only have a value of <deleted>; if the user has not logged in, the Last Login field will display a dash (-).

NOTE: A default Last Login date of 01/01/1900 is assigned to a new customer profile the initial until the login process has been completed.


See Also

Failed Login report

Lock-Outs report

Geo-Location Exceptions report

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