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CSI Fraud Anomaly Detection General Settings

Customer Settings (found in the FAD >> Point Settings >> Settings tab)

  • Bank Point Cap: Fully customizable point cap that can be controlled on a bank wide or individual customer level.
  • Months of User Data to Compare Trends: Defaulted to 6 months, but allows a bank the ability to control the amount of time the system should consider a customer’s past activities for determining a norm.
  • Total Page Visits Standard Deviation: Allows a bank the ability make the total page visit calculation more or less strict on all customers.
  • Use Real Time Authentication: Controls whether customer will be challenged with an authentication step if they break their point cap.
  • Send User Over Cap Email: Controls whether a user will receive an email notification if they have broken their anomalous point cap. This email is fully customizable by the bank. This option will send to all customers and is not a per customer setting.

Employee Settings (found in the Security >> Employees tab of the admin site)

  • Access FAD: determines whether an employee at the bank has the ability to access the FAD tab within the Digital Banking admin site.
  • Receive Email from Over Cap Users: controls whether an employee will receive an email notification every time a user breaks the anomalous point cap.


See Also

Point-Based System for Business Rules

Areas of Evaluation

Overview and Customer Specific Anomalous Activity Reports

Best Practices for the Day to Day Use of CSI Fraud Anomaly Detection

How does the over cap process work?

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