The Messages tab is a communication portal between you and the financial institution. Predefined forms are listed under the Support Center section for you to select from. A free form for other support requests is also available if the communication type that you need is not present. Incoming messages from the financial institution will be listed under the Messages section.
Note: Communication between you and the financial institution is secure. There is no "email traffic" where your personal information would be accessible to others. The message you create is stored on the Digital Banking site and a notification email is sent to the financial institution notifying them that a new message is available for them to review.

Types of Fields
This example shows the types of fields that you might see on predefined forms.

- Checkbox: allows you to select/not select
- Drop-down: a field where there are options to choose from
- Email: used for the financial institution to follow up on your submission
- Link: to redirect you to another site of interest
- Multi Line text box: a large text box allowing for your communication to the financial institution
- Numeric input box: a field that requires numeric input
- Radio Selection: use radio buttons to choose one option from a list of choices
- Single Line Text Box: for a brief line of information, a single line of text is available