Creating a Sub-Folder in the CSIeSafe Inbox

Using sub-folders in the CSIeSafe Inbox allows you to organize received messages for your convenience.

Login to CSIeSafe.

In the Folders section to the left of your screen, click on the Inbox folder.

While your Inbox folder is still highlighted in grey under the Folders section, click the New Folder tab or right-click the Inbox folder and choose the New Folder option. An "Explorer User Prompt" box will display.

Type a name for the new folder in the text box where it says "New Folder" and click OK. The new folder will now display under the Inbox folder on the left-hand side of your screen.

NOTE: Follow these steps to add additional sub-folders under the Inbox folder, as well as under sub-folders. To Delete a sub-folder, simply click on the folder and click the Delete tab or right-click the sub-folder and choose the Delete option.