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Cash Extracts tab

When ACH batches have been approved, the Cash Extracts tab displays the batches. All batches are added together into one file with one grand total of debits and credits, and item count for file creation. However, you can view the individual batches by clicking the drop down on the left.

To create an extract file, click the box to the left of the file. Then click the desired file type on the right, and click the Create File button.

  • All Items: Create a file that includes bank items and transit items
  • Only On-Us Items: Creates a file that includes bank items only
  • Only Transit Items: Creates a file that includes transit items only

Batches can also be deleted from this screen if needed by clicking the Delete link to the left.

A warning message will display asking for confirmation.

Clicking OK on the message will return the batch back to the Admin's Approve ACH tab with a status of unapproved, making it editable to the customer.

  • Approval Date/Time: When the batch approved
  • Count: batch count
  • Total Debits: Total Debit Amount
  • Total Credits: Total Credit Amount
  • Approving: Person that approved the batch
  • Downloading On-Us: Downloads a file that includes only bank items.
  • Downloading Transit: Downloads a file that includes only transit items.
  • Company Name: Company associated with the batch
  • Entry Desc: 10 character alphanumeric field describing the type of transactions
  • Disc Data: An additional 120 character alphanumeric field describing the type of transactions
  • SEC: This field describes the type of transaction to the FED and the Receiving Institution. The six valid selections are PPD, CCD, RCK, CTX, TEL and WEB.
    • PPD – Prearranged Payment and Deposits - Used to credit or debit a consumer account.  This is the most commonly used for payroll deposits and preauthorized bill payments.
    • CCD – Corporate Credit or Debit - Used to credit or debit business accounts.  This is the most commonly used in business-to-business transactions.
    • RCK – Re-presented Check Entries - Used to debit a consumer or business account.  It can only be used to electronically re-present a physical check that was returned because of insufficient funds or uncollected funds.
    • CTX – Corporate Trade Exchange – Used to transfer funds within a trading partner relationship. ANSI ASC X12 message or payment related information will be included in multiple addenda records.
    • TEL – Telephone-Initiated Entry – Used for the origination of a Single Entry debit transaction to a customer’s account following an oral authorization obtained from the customer via the telephone. It can only be used when there is either (1) an existing relationship between the originator and the receiver, or (2) no existing relationship between the originator and the receiver, but the receiver has initiated the telephone call.
    • WEB – Web Initiated Entry - Used to debit a consumer account.  It can only be used if electronic authorization through the Internet was given to create an ACH item.
  • Identification: The company identifier, this could be the EIN.
  • DSC DT: An additional discretionary field containing 2 characters. This field displays in the detail record.
  • Eff Date: The effective date of the transactions. This is the date the transaction is to be posted.
  • Debits: Total Debit Amount
  • Credits: Total Credit Amount


See Also

Approve ACH tab

Manage Wires tab

Wires History

Manage ACH Files

Manage External Accounts

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