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Manage Wires tab

Manage Wires displays the wire requests from customers. Clicking the Details link displays information in the boxes to the right.

After clicking the Details links, there are three available options at the bottom.

  • Reject Wire: rejects the request
  • Delete Wire: deletes the request
  • Print Wire: Prints a report of information sent in the request

Click each tab header or the arrow at the right of the header bar to review the information.

  • Recipient Information displays the name and address of the recipient

  • Payment Information displays account information of the sender and amount of wire

  • GeoLocation Information displays the information from where the request originated

  • Recipient Financial Institution displays the account information of the recipient

  • Intermediary Financial Institution contains the information of a secondary financial institution if required for the wire transmission

  • Beneficiary Financial Institution information

  • Company Information

To create a wire file, select the desired wires and then click the Create Upload File button. You will be prompted to either open or save the file.

When the wire is processed by the financial institution, the communication to the customer includes the confirmation number as entered on the tab.


In This Section

International Currency Wires

See Also

Approve ACH tab

Cash Extracts tab

Wires History

Manage ACH Files

Manage External Accounts

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