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Manage External Accounts

The financial institution must have both Digital Banking and external transfers enabled in order for this tab to be visible. Once the financial institution has both options enabled, the tab will be displayed for all employees regardless of their external account permissions.

External accounts are accounts the customer holds at other financial institutions. All external accounts require verification. This verification process is either manually or with a deposit challenge.

In this grid, depending on permissions, you are able to add new external accounts, verify external accounts, view external account details, edit external account details, delete external accounts, and reject external accounts. The grid by default only displays external accounts that have yet to be verified.

Employees can display verified accounts as well by marking the "Show all accounts" box directly under the grid.

Employees logging in with their own password and who have permission to both edit and verify accounts will have access to all of the above options.

Employees logging in with their own password and who only have permission to edit accounts will have all of the above options except the ability to verify accounts.

Employees logging in with their own password and who only have permission to verify accounts will only have access to verify accounts and view account details.

Employees logging in with their own password and who do not have permission to verify or edit accounts will only be able to view account details.

All employees, regardless of permissions, have the ability to use the search filters.


In This Section

Adding a New External Account as an Employee

View/Edit Details as an Employee

Deleting an External Account

Rejecting an External Account

Verifying External Accounts Using Manual Method

Verifying External Accounts Using Deposit Challenge Method

Processing External Transfers and Payments

Transfer and Payment Reports

See Also

Approve ACH tab

Cash Extracts tab

Manage Wires tab

Wires History

Manage ACH Files

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