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Verifying External Accounts Using Manual Method

External accounts can be manually verified one at a time, several at a time, or all at once.

To verify accounts, employees can mark the checkbox in the Verified column of the accounts they wish to verify.

Employees can also mark all of the external accounts at once by marking the checkbox in the Verified column heading. Once the employee has the desired accounts marked, they can click the Save All button to verify the accounts.

A confirmation box will appear.

Verified accounts will not be displayed in the External Accounts grid unless the user marks the "Show all accounts" box directly under the external accounts grid.

Once the employee chooses to show all accounts, the accounts will be listed and will display a status of Verified.


See Also

Adding a New External Account as an Employee

View/Edit Details as an Employee

Deleting an External Account

Rejecting an External Account

Verifying External Accounts Using Deposit Challenge Method

Processing External Transfers and Payments

Transfer and Payment Reports

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