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Call Flow Chart

This guide demonstrates the customers call experience. Each chart represents the flow of interaction based upon the customer’s response and input of options.

NOTE: Account search is specific when including the TT code in the account number. When using the Multi DDA Account feature, a TT code is used to identify the different DDA or Savings accounts attached to a customer number. In some cases, the TT code is included in the account number on printed checks for processing. The financial institution may place the TT code to the left or the right of the customer number. In this case, the TT code must be used for search criteria in this process.

For example – a DDA customer number 1234567 might have an MMDA account with the TT code of 20, placed to the right of the account number. The search criteria would be 123456720.

Loans and CDs must include the account number (Loan or CD) with the customer number. The total of the account number must be 6 digits, so preceding zeros are used. For example a customer number of 1234567 with a Loan number of 54321 and a CD number of 195 would result in a search of 1234567054321 and 1234567000195. Notice the zero fill separating the customer number and the account number increasing the account number field to a total of 6.

When using an alternate number on customer’s account number, the alternate number is used as the customer number. For example if alternate number 854987 is used for customer number 1234567, Savings account number 50, the search is 854987.

Introduction – Initial contact and subsequent calls

There are two greetings that play when entering the voice system. Each greeting is recorded by financial institution employees and is personalized by the financial institution. Each greeting is limited to 30 seconds of recording. Longer recordings are truncated to the 30 second time frame. At any time, the customer may press any number on the phone keypad to bypass that message.

Initial greeting – First message


This is the first greeting the customer hears. Uses have been a general greeting from the financial institution to the customer, welcoming them to the "BANK" and "Product Name" for their voice system.

Presidential greeting – Second message

The customer hears this greeting next. Uses: a general description of functionality, how to access for the first time using temporary PIN and then resetting PIN, and how to maneuver the site using the * key to repeat the menu.


For Instructions in English, press 1


For Instructions in Spanish press 2



After access into the system, the introduction continues for response

Customer Action Desired

Response by Voice and customer reaction expected


To exit, the customer simply disconnects the call.

Invalid Menu Option

When customer presses an invalid key, the menu options for the current menu are repeated.

No Service Prompt

Sorry, we cannot access your information at this time. Please call again later.

Other actions


Enter into Admin

When the admin enters the correct code, he can access the system for administrative purposes.

Main Page after successful entry

Customer Action Desired

Response by Voice and customer reaction expected

Response received or continue to additional Chart indicated

Account Information

For account information, press 1

See Chart: Account Information

Banking Information

For banking information /hours, press 2

Response is the greeting as recorded by financial institution employees.

If there is no recorded message, the option is not heard.

Rate Information

For current rates, press 3

Response is the greeting as recorded by financial institution employees.

If there is no recorded message, the option is not heard.

Lost/Stolen Card

To report a lost or stolen ATM or Debit card, press 4

Customer is transferred to the financial institution if the call is placed within financial institution hours.

After-hours calls and calls on Holidays as entered in the Digital Banking holiday calendar are transferred to the after-hours support.

Transfer Call

To transfer to a bank employee, press 5

For single branch locations, the call is transferred to the number indicated in the VoiceLinks setup. For multi branch locations, please contact CSI - Meridian to do additional setup.

The customer chooses locations as described and enters the corresponding number to transfer the call.

If there are no phone numbers in the VoiceLinks tab, this option is not heard.

Invalid Menu Option

When customer presses an invalid key, the menu options for the current menu are repeated.

Account Information

Customer Action Desired

Response by Voice and customer reaction expected

Response by Voice or Chart to refer to for continued actions

Checking Information

For checking account information, press 1

See Chart: Checking Information

Savings Information

For savings account information, press 2

See Chart: Checking Information with Savings used instead of Checking on response

CD Information

For Certificate of Deposit information, press 3

See Chart CD Information

IRA Information

For IRA information, press 4

See Chart: CD information with IRA used instead of Certificate

Loan Information

For Loan information, press 5

See Chart: Loan Information

Bank Employee

To transfer to a bank employee, press 9.



Checking Information


Customer Action Desired

Response by Voice and customer reaction expected

Response by Voice, Customer or Chart to refer to for continued actions

Account #

Enter your checking account number, followed by the pound sign

Customer enters checking account number.


Please enter your account PIN number followed by the pound sign

Customer enters PIN. If it is the first time entered, the last four digits of the SSN is used.


You are required to change your PIN number, please enter your new PIN number followed by the pound sign, or press star (*) to return to the previous menu.

If SSN is used, customer is required to create a new PIN.

New PIN Error

PIN number must be at least 4 digits long, please renter.

Customer re-enters PIN number.

Confirm New PIN

You have entered a new PIN number "(PIN number)". If this PIN number is correct press 1. If this PIN number is incorrect press 2. To return to previous menu press star (*).

Number is repeated to customer. The customer confirms by pressing 1, or re-enters by pressing 2. The return to main menu, press star.

Account not found

I'm sorry, the account number that you entered or your PIN number was incorrect. Please re-enter.

Customer re-enters account number to continue.

Account Located

For your current balance and last deposit, press 1.

Continue to ***Current Balance & Last Deposit


To review transactions, press 2.

Continue to ***Review Transactions


To transfer funds, press 3.

Continue to ***Transfer Funds


For interest information, press 4.

Continue to ***Interest Information


To change your PIN number press 5.

Continue to ***Change PIN


To inquire on another account, press star (*).


***Current Balance & Last Deposit

Your current balance is '$' and your last deposit amount was '$' posted on 'date'

If financial institution also allows available balance, that amount is heard after the current balance. The options for this menu are repeated for further actions by customer.

***Review Transactions

To review your most recent checks, press 1

Continue to 1 – Recent Checks


To review your most recent deposits, press 2

Continue to 2 – Recent Deposits


To review all your most recent transactions, press 3

Continue to 3 – Recent Transactions


For pending transactions that will post on the current business day, press 4

Continue to 4 – Pending Transactions


For a specific check, please press 5

Continue to 5 – Specific check


For the previous menu, please press star ( *)


1 - Recent Checks



This is specifically for checks, not EFT withdrawals

Review contains items for the past 15 days

No Transactions

There are no more transactions, you will be returned to the previous menu.


Transaction Found

A withdrawal (Check number 'number') in the amount of '$' (posted on 'date'/is a pending transaction)

For the next transaction, press 1

To return to the previous menu press star (*)

Items are described as posted or pending according to their status.

2 – Recent Deposits


Review contains items for the past 15 days

No Transactions

There are no more transactions, you will be returned to the previous menu.


Items Found

A deposit in the amount of '$' (posted on 'date'/is a pending transaction)

For the next transaction, press 1

To return to the previous menu press star (*)

Items are described as posted or pending according to their status.

3 - All Transactions


Review contains items for the past 15 days

No Transactions

There are no more transactions, you will be returned to the previous menu.


Items Found

A withdrawal (Check number 'number') / a deposit in the amount of '$' (posted on 'date'/is a pending transaction)

For the next transaction, press 1

To return to the previous menu press star (*)


4 – Pending Transactions


Review contains items for the past 15 days

No Transactions

There are no more transactions, you will be returned to the previous menu.


Items Found

A withdrawal (Check number 'number')/deposit in the amount of '$' is a pending transaction.

For the next transaction, press 1

To return to the previous menu press star (*)


5 – Specific check


Search by check number. Search by amount is not available. Review contains items for the past 60 days.

Check Number

Enter the check number followed by the pound sign


No Item Found

Check number 'number' has not cleared


Item Found

Check number 'number' in the amount of '$' (posted on 'date'/is a pending transaction)

To return to the previous menu press star (*)


***Transfer Funds

To transfer from checking account to checking account, please press 1

Continue to 1 – Checking to Checking


To transfer from checking account to savings account please press 2

Continue to 2 – Checking to Savings


To transfer from savings account to checking account, press 3

Continue to 3 - Savings to Checking


To transfer from savings account to savings account, press 4

Continue to 4 – Savings to Savings

NOTE: The following error descriptions are applicable for all transfer types

From Account not Found

I'm sorry, but the from account 'number' was not found or your PIN number was incorrect.

To Account not Found

I'm sorry, but the to account 'number' was not found or your PIN number was incorrect.

SSN do not match

I'm sorry, you are unable to transfer funds to the 2 accounts entered.

From Account NSF

The account you are transferring from has NSF to complete this transaction.

 Transaction Error

An error occurred while completing this transaction, please contact your bank for more information.

1 - Checking to Checking

If at any time, the customer presses star (*), they are returned to the Main prompt for Checking accounts.

From Account

Enter the checking account number you are transferring from followed by the pound sign


To Account

Enter the checking account number you are transferring to followed by the pound sign



Enter the amount you wish to transfer in dollar and cents followed by the pound sign


Enter PIN

Please enter your PIN number.



 You wish to transfer $ from checking ‘number’ to savings account ‘number’.

If this is correct, press 1

To reenter the transaction, press 2

To cancel and return to the transfer menu, press 3


Transfer Completion

Transfer is complete. your confirmation number is (#).

To replay this confirmation number press 1

To return to the account menu press 2


2 – Checking to Savings

If at any time, the customer presses star (*), they are returned to the Main prompt for Checking accounts.

From Account

Enter the checking account number you are transferring from followed by the pound sign


To Account

Enter the savings account number you are transferring to followed by the pound sign



Enter the amount you wish to transfer in dollar and cents followed by the pound sign


Enter PIN

Please enter your PIN number.



 You wish to transfer $ from checking ‘number’ to savings account ‘number’.

If this is correct, press 1

To reenter the transaction, press 2

To cancel and return to the transfer menu, press 3


Transfer Completion

Transfer is complete. your confirmation number is (#).

To replay this confirmation number press 1

To return to the account menu press 2


3 – Savings to Checking

If at any time, the customer presses star (*), they are returned to the Main prompt for Checking accounts.

From Account

Enter the savings account number you are transferring from followed by the pound sign


To Account

Enter the checking account number you are transferring to followed by the pound sign



Enter the amount you wish to transfer in dollar and cents followed by the pound sign


Enter PIN

Please enter your PIN number.



 You wish to transfer $ from checking ‘number’ to savings account ‘number’.

If this is correct, press 1

To reenter the transaction, press 2

To cancel and return to the transfer menu, press 3


Transfer Completion

Transfer is complete. your confirmation number is (#).

To replay this confirmation number press 1

To return to the account menu press 2


4 – Savings to Savings

If at any time, the customer presses star (*), they are returned to the Main prompt for Checking accounts.

From Account

Enter the savings account number you are transferring from followed by the pound sign


To Account

Enter the savings account number you are transferring to followed by the pound sign



Enter the amount you wish to transfer in dollar and cents followed by the pound sign


Enter PIN

Please enter your PIN number.



 You wish to transfer $ from savings ‘number’ to savings account ‘number’.

If this is correct, press 1

To reenter the transaction, press 2

To cancel and return to the transfer menu, press 3


Transfer Completion

Transfer is complete. your confirmation number is (#).

To replay this confirmation number press 1

To return to the account menu press 2


*** Interest Information



YTD Interest Paid

The total interest paid this year to date is '$'


LYTD Interest Paid

The total interest paid in last year was '$'


Non-interest bearing/ no YTD paid

The account you are inquiring on is either a non-interest bearing account or has no interest paid this year.


***Change PIN



Change PIN

Please enter your new PIN number followed by the pound sign, or press * to return to the previous menu.


Change PIN Error

PIN number must be at least 4 digits long, please renter.


Confirm New PIN

You have entered a new PIN number "PIN number"

If this PIN number is correct press 1

If this PIN number is incorrect press 2

To return to previous menu press star (*)


CD Information

Customer Action Desired

Response by Voice and customer reaction expected

Response by Voice or Chart to refer to for continued actions

Account #

Enter your certificate account number, followed by the pound sign

Customer enters certificate account number.


Please enter your account PIN number followed by the pound sign

Customer enters PIN. If it is the first time entered, the last four digits of the SSN is used.


You are required to change your PIN number, please enter your new PIN number followed by the pound sign, or press star (*) to return to the previous menu.

If SSN is used, customer is required to create a new PIN.

New PIN Error

PIN number must be at least 4 digits long, please renter.

Customer re-enters PIN number.

Confirm New PIN

You have entered a new PIN number "(PIN number)".

If this PIN number is correct press 1 If this PIN number is incorrect press 2

To return to previous menu press star (*).

Number is repeated to customer. The customer confirms by pressing 1, or re-enters by pressing 2.

Account not found

I'm sorry, the account number that you entered or your PIN number was incorrect. Please re-enter.

Customer re-enters account number to continue.

Account Located

For your current balance, press 1

Continue to ***Current Balance


To change your PIN number press 4

Continue to *** Change PIN

*** Current Balance

Your current balance is '$'

Voice repeats the menu balance options for current balance; PIN and previous menu.

***Change PIN



Change PIN

Please enter your new PIN number followed by the pound sign, or press * to return to the previous menu.


Change PIN Error

PIN number must be at least 4 digits long, please renter.


Confirm New PIN

You have entered a new PIN number "PIN number"

If this PIN number is correct press 1

If this PIN number is incorrect press 2

To return to previous menu press star (*)


Loan Information

Customer Action Desired

Response by Voice and customer reaction expected

Response by Voice or Chart to refer to for continued actions

Account #

Enter your loan account number, followed by the pound sign

Customer enters loan account number.


Please enter your account PIN number followed by the pound sign

Customer enters PIN. If it is the first time entered, the last four digits of the SSN is used.


You are required to change your PIN number, please enter your new PIN number followed by the pound sign, or press star (*) to return to the previous menu.

If SSN is used, customer is required to create a new PIN.

New PIN Error

PIN number must be at least 4 digits long, please renter.

Customer re-enters PIN number.

Confirm New PIN

You have entered a new PIN number "(PIN number)".

If this PIN number is correct press 1 If this PIN number is incorrect press 2

To return to previous menu press star (*).

Number is repeated to customer. The customer confirms by pressing 1, or re-enters by pressing 2.

Account not found

I'm sorry, the account number that you entered or your PIN number was incorrect. Please re-enter.

Customer re-enters account number to continue.

Account Located

For your current balance, press 1

Continue to *** Current Balance


To make a loan payment press 2

Continue to *** Make Payment


For your last payment posted date and amount, press 3

Continue to *** Last Payment


For your next payment date and amount, press 4

Continue to *** Next Payment


For interest paid information, press 5

Continue to *** Interest Paid


To change your PIN number press 6

Continue to *** Change PIN


For payoff amount press 7

Continue to *** Payoff

*** Current Balance

Your current principle balance is '$' with an outstanding interest amount of '$'

Menu repeats for further action by customer as desired.

*** Make Payment

To make a payment from a checking account, press 1

To make a payment from a savings account, press 2

Checking and Savings account procedures are the same.

From Account

Enter the checking/savings account number you want to pay from followed by the pound sign

Customer enters the checking or savings account number desired


Enter the payment amount in dollars and cents followed by the pound sign

Customer enters payment including zeros for whole dollars. Decimals are not used, and are assumed.


Please enter your PIN number.

To confirm the action, enter the PIN number


You wish to pay '$' from checking/savings account 'number' to loan account 'number'

If this is correct, press 1

To reenter the loan payment, press 2

To cancel and return to the loan menu, press star (*)

Description of payment is heard and customer responds accordingly.


Transaction Complete

Loan Payment completed successfully, Your Confirmation number is <number> .

To replay this confirmation number press 1.

To return to the loan menu press 2.


NOTE: The following error descriptions are applicable for loan payments.

From Account not Found

I'm sorry, but the from account 'number' was not found or your PIN number was incorrect.

Loan not found

I'm sorry, but the from loan 'number' was not found or your PIN number was incorrect.

SSN do not match

I'm sorry, you are unable to make a loan payment from the account entered.

From Account NSF

I'm sorry, the from account has insufficient funds to complete this loan payment.

Transaction Error


An error occurred while completing this loan payment, please contact your bank for more information.

*** Last Payment

Your last payment amount was '$' posted on 'date'

The menu choices are repeated

*** Next Payment

Your next payment is due on 'date' for the amount of '$'

The menu choices are repeated

Continue to *** Interest Paid



YTD Interest Paid

The total interest paid this year to date is '$'

The menu choices are repeated

No YTD Interest Paid

The account you are inquiring on has no interest paid this year.

The menu choices are repeated

Last YTD Interest Paid

The total interest paid in the last year was '$'

The menu choices are repeated

***Change PIN



Change PIN

Please enter your new PIN number followed by the pound sign, or press * to return to the previous menu.


Change PIN Error

PIN number must be at least 4 digits long, please renter.


Confirm New PIN

You have entered a new PIN number "PIN number"

If this PIN number is correct press 1

If this PIN number is incorrect press 2

To return to previous menu press star (*)


*** Payoff

As of ‘last processing date’ your payoff amount is '$'


If the financial institution offers this to their customers, this option will be available. If not, the choice will not be heard.

Admin Voice Functions

The Admin functions allow recording of greetings for the customer’s calls. The Admin access code is required for authorization and must be entered at the beginning of the call.

Admin - Initial Greeting

To play or edit your initial greeting press 1

Continue to *** Initial Greeting

Admin - Presidential greeting

To play or edit your Presidential greeting press 2

Continue to *** Presidential Greeting

Admin - Bank Hours greeting


To play or edit your bank hours greeting press 3

Continue to *** Bank Hours Greeting

Admin - Banks current rates greeting

To play or edit your banks current rates greeting press 4

Continue to *** Current Rates Greeting

Admin - Stolen ATM or Debit Card greeting

To play or edit stolen ATM or Debit Card greeting press 5

Continue to *** Stolen ATM Card Greeting

*** Initial Greeting



Play Greeting

To play your initial greeting press 1


Record new greeting

To record a new greeting press 2



Recording will begin after the beep, when you have completed press any key to stop recording.


Remove current greeting

To remove your current greeting press 3


Return to Menu

For the previous menu press star (*)


*** Presidential Greeting



Play Greeting

To play your presidential greeting press 1


Record new greeting

To record a new greeting press 2



Recording will begin after the beep, when you have completed press any key to stop recording.


Remove current greeting

To remove your current greeting press 3


Return to Menu

For the previous menu press star (*)


*** Bank Hours Greeting



Play Greeting

To play your bank hours greeting press 1


Record new greeting

To record a new greeting press 2



Recording will begin after the beep, when you have completed press any key to stop recording.


Remove current greeting

To remove your current greeting press 3


Return to Menu

For the previous menu press star (*)


*** Current Rates Greeting



Play Greeting

To play your current rates greeting press 1


Record new greeting

To record a new greeting press 2



Recording will begin after the beep, when you have completed press any key to stop recording.


Remove current greeting

To remove your current greeting press 3


Return to Menu

For the previous menu press star (*)


*** Stolen ATM Card Greeting



Play Greeting

To play your stolen atm or debit card greeting press 1


Record new greeting

To record a new greeting press 2



Recording will begin after the beep, when you have completed press any key to stop recording.


Remove current greeting

To remove your current greeting press 3


Return to Menu

For the previous menu press star (*)



See Also

Voice Configuration


Account Access

Call Transfer

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