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Settings tab

The Settings tab contains the following settings.

  • Bank Point Cap: The amount of points a user can accumulate before activities deemed anomalous
  • Months of User Data to Compare Trends: This is how far back in the user’s history when we bring the data set in to analyze. It is used in every query so no matter what it is; it will not look at anything past the value.

    Example: you logged in from Japan 7 months ago, the option is set to 6 months, and you are now sitting at a café in Japan and log into the system because you want to see if you can buy a boat ride back home.

    You will be flagged for first time Login IP because that IP is not within the last 6 months...

  • Total Pages Visited Standard Deviation: This is the amount of standard deviations that are run against when we are finding an abnormal amount of pages that a user navigates to. This is defaulted to 2 and will only flag for 2.5% of user sessions (> only)
  • Use Real Time Authentication: If this option is enabled, real time authentication is enabled for the entire bank but the method used is user based. Add customers to the User Settings Grid by using the Customer Lookup tool. A drop down will appear that contains three authentication methods. When a user goes over their point cap, they will be prompted for authentication based upon the chosen method. If employees and customers are set to receive over cap emails, the system will send them when the user performs an activity that sends them over the cap.

    Options are:

    • No Real Time Authentication
    • Security Question
    • Out of Band

      Note: If Use Real Time Authentication is not checked, a message will display that says it is turned off. The option can still be changed, but will not take effect. When the box is checked, the message will no longer display.

    When a user is set to No Real Time Authentication, changes made to the user’s OOBA or Authenticator status will not change their authentication method. However, a user’s authentication method will be changed if their security level is increased or decreased by enabling/disabling OOBA or adding/removing an authenticator to the user.

    For example:

    • If the user is set to Security Question but then has OOBA enabled or an authenticator added, their security level has increased. This will cause their authentication method to change from Security Question to Out of Band.
    • If the user is set to Out of Band and OOBA is disabled or their authenticator is removed, they no longer have a way of performing out of band authentication. This will cause their authentication method to change from Out of Band to Security Question.

    Sub-users will inherit their master user’s real time authentication method when they are added. The only exception to this is when the master user is set to No Real Time Authentication but has OOBA enabled. The sub-user will first inherit the master user’s OOBA setting which will automatically set their authentication method to Out of Band.

  • Send User Over Cap Email: If this option is enabled, customers will receive emails when they go over their point cap. The email is based on the new FAD User Over Cap email template that was added.


See Also

ACH tab

Wires tab

Transfers tab

Payments tab

Advances tab

Bill Pay tab

User tab

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