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Login/Logout report

The Login/Logout Report is now available in both a detail and summary format. A date is required in order to generate a report.

Admins have the ability to generate the following reports: Employees Detail, Employees Summary, Customers Detail, and Customers Summary.

The Employees and Customers Detail reports provide the ability to filter by Name, Username, Login Type (Mobile, Browser, or Login-As), Login/Logout activity (Login, Logout, All), Login Success (Succeeded, Failed, or All), IP Address, Country, Region/State, and City.

The Lockout Report will display user lockouts based on the date they occurred. To provide an audit trail, the user lockout information will now be retained and can be viewed using date filters even after the user has been unlocked. 

The “Export Only” checkbox will enable date range selection to retrieve as much information as desired and save it as a .CSV file.

  • When Export Only is selected, a Start Date and End Date with date pickers will display. Dates must be entered in both boxes.

The Name and Username search fields display when the respective checkboxes are marked. A Name or Username is not required to generate a report, and neither field is case-specific.

  • When checked, the Login Type, Login/Logout, and Login Success checkboxes enable drop downs that contain their aforementioned options. All three drop downs will default to All but can be changed to narrow the report down further.

    Direct Connect Logins will be recorded on the Login/Logout Report. Bank Administrators will be able to select "Direct Connect" from the Login/Logout dropdown filter when generating the report.

  • When the IP Address search filter is checked, a search field appears, but an IP Address is not required to generate a report.
  • The Country dropdown has a Check All option, and it will display all countries that customers have logged in or out from. This means that if customers have only logged in/out from Canada and the United States, only those two countries will be displayed in the dropdown. Flags appear next to the country they represent, and the countries are displayed in alphabetical order.
  • The Region/State dropdown will be populated based on the country or countries that are selected in the Country dropdown. The regions and states are grouped in alphabetical order. The dropdown includes a Check All option that will mark or unmark all of the option when the checkbox is toggled.
  • When the City checkbox is selected, a search field is displayed and is not case-sensitive.

All of the aforementioned search filters can be used in any combination in order to filter the report to the user's wishes, and none are required to generate a report.

Totals appear at the bottom of the reports that provide the number of logins per type and total logins for the given date range.

The Employees and Customers Summary report filters by Name and Username, and search fields appear next to their respective checkbox. Neither of these fields is required to generate a report, and they are not case-specific.

The Employees Summary report displays the username, name, and email address of each employee logged in during the given date range. It also provides information on the total number of successful standard logins, unsuccessful standard logins, standard logouts, unsuccessful mobile logins, successful mobile logins, and mobile logouts. The Customers Summary report is the same as the Employees, with the exception that the Customers Summary also displays a total for each type of login when employees log in as customers. These types of logins will have the phrase "(Employee Name) Logged in As" in the Username column.


See Also

Bank Holidays report

Bank Holidays Maintenance report

Bill Pay Users report

Cash Management Access report

Customer Access report

Customer Whitelist report

Employee Access Change report

Employee Whitelist report

Mobile Enrolled User report

Monthly Stats report

Pending Customer Invites report

Restricted SSNs List

Security Review History report

Self Enrollment report

Terms Acceptance report

TLS Exception report

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