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Pending Customer Invites report

The Pending Customer Invites report includes all invites whether the customer has logged into Digital Banking or not. If a customer has been re-invited, it will also be listed on this report. Users have the ability to filter by Invited Date, Customer Name, Email Address, Status, and by the employee who invited them.

Users can use as few (none) to as many (all) search filters to generate a report.

Marking the Invited Date checkbox displays the Start Date and End Date fields, marking the Customer Name checkbox displays the customer name search field, marking the Email Address checkbox displays the email address search field, marking the Status checkbox displays the status dropdown, and marking the Invited By Employee checkbox displays the employee username search field.

Values are not required in any of these fields in order to generate a report.

The Status dropdown allows the user to filter by active invites or expired invites.

The Status column displays a value of Active or Expired for all invites. An invite will have a status of Active if the invite was sent within the number of days that is set in the "Days Till Setup Key Expiration" field. An invite will have a status of Expired if the invite was sent longer than the number of days set in the field. For example, if the "Days Till Setup Key Expiration" field is set to 5, an invite sent with an Invited Date of 7/1/13 will show an "Active" status from 7/1/13 until 7/6/2013. The invite will show an "Expired" status beginning on 7/7/2013.


See Also

Bank Holidays report

Bank Holidays Maintenance report

Bill Pay Users report

Cash Management Access report

Customer Access report

Customer Whitelist report

Employee Access Change report

Employee Whitelist report

Login/Logout report

Mobile Enrolled User report

Monthly Stats report

Restricted SSNs List

Security Review History report

Self Enrollment report

Terms Acceptance report

TLS Exception report

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