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Self Enrollment report

The Self Enrollment report is only available when the Enable Self Enrollment option is enabled by CSI.

You can generate a summary or detail version of the report. You also have the ability to generate a report using any of the report by options but none are necessary to generate a report.

  • Date: Marking the Date checkbox will cause the Start Date and End Date search fields to appear.
  • SSN: Marking the SSN checkbox will cause the SSN search field to appear.
  • Invite Status: Marking the Invite Status checkbox will cause the Invite Status dropdown list to appear.
  • User Name: Marking the User Name checkbox will cause the User Name search field to appear.
  • Name: Marking the Name checkbox will cause the Name search field to appear.

Values are not required in any of the search fields, even when their respective checkboxes are marked.

When searching by date, the system will first search for enrollments whose completed date matches the date range. The system will search for enrollments whose attempt date matches the date range for enrollments that do not contain a completed date.

The User Name and Name search fields will both return enrollments that match any part of the user name or name entered. Both of these fields are not case-specific.

  • The Invite Status dropdown lists four different invite statuses.
    • Selecting Deficient will display any enrollments that were attempted but were unsuccessful for any reason.
    • Selecting Applied will display any enrollments that were successful but have not yet been approved or denied by the financial institution.
    • Selecting Approved will display any enrollments that have been approved.
    • Selecting Denied will display any enrollments that have been denied.

Summary Version

The summary version of the report displays the SSN, Invite Status, and Number of Tries for all attempted enrollments. Enrollments that have an invite status of Applied, Approved, and Denied will also display a User Name, Name, Email, Completed Date, and Invite Answer. Enrollments with an invite status of Denied will also display a Reason Denied.

All but the last four digits of the SSN are masked on the report.

Detailed Version

The detailed version of the report contains all of the same information as the summary version but includes a detailed listing of each attempt.

Four more fields are displayed within the detailed report.

  • OOW Num Wrong: Displays the number of Out of Wallet questions that were answered incorrectly (if attempted).
  • OOW Num Right: Displays the number of Out of Wallet questions that were answered correctly (if attempted).
  • Attempt Date: Displays the attempted date and time of enrollment.
  • Fail Reason: Displays the reason the enrollment failed.


See Also

Bank Holidays report

Bank Holidays Maintenance report

Bill Pay Users report

Cash Management Access report

Customer Access report

Customer Whitelist report

Employee Access Change report

Employee Whitelist report

Login/Logout report

Mobile Enrolled User report

Monthly Stats report

Pending Customer Invites report

Restricted SSNs List

Security Review History report

Terms Acceptance report

TLS Exception report

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