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Online Transactions report

Upon selecting the report,the screen displays these options:

The Detail report breaks down each transaction and gives the Customer Name and Username of the person who created it, a description of the transaction, the To and From Accounts of the transaction, the Frequency of the transaction (if it is recurring), along with its Confirmation Number, Status, Error Code (if applicable), the IP Address from which the transaction was created, and its Location. Transactions for deleted customers will still appear on the Online Transactions report.

This report is sorted in alphabetical order by Username.

Note: The reports will display real-time pending transfers and payments with a status description of "Pending – RT." Non-real-time pending transfers and payments are now displayed with a status description of "Pending – NRT."

Note: Depending on your financial institution's settings, options on this report may be only Payments and Transfers or may include Advances, Payments, and Transfers.

You are able to search these reports by several different fields:

  • Username: Username of the customer that the transaction why created by.
  • Customer Name:Name of the customer that the transaction why created by.
  • Account (To and From): This allows you to search for transactions specifically made from account XXXXXX to account XXXXXX.
  • Amount Range (Min and Max): You can search for all transactions made between two values (i.e. transactions ranging from $20.00 to $200.00)
  • Error Code: If an error was received during the process of a transaction, there is a drop down list for you to choose the type of error that was thrown.

  • Failed Transactions Only: With this option checked, only transactions that failed will appear on the report.
  • IP Address: Search by transactions made from a specific IP address.
  • Location: Search by transactions made from a specific location.
  • Frequency: This allows you to search for recurring transactions. If Weekly or Every Other Week is chosen, you then choose the day of the week. If any monthly option is chosen, you choose the day of the month. All of the yearly transactions are grouped together.

  • Status: There is a dropdown list that allows you to search for only transactions that received an error, are pending, or were completed.

  • Confirmation Number: Search by a specific confirmation number that was given at the time of the transfer/payment/advance or the "Now" transactions.

    *Some options are available for transfers detail reports that are invalid for the payments and advances detail reports. Location and IP Address are only available to search by for Transfers.

    *When the Payments reports are selected, a Payment Type drop down box appears.

The Summary reports give a total of all transfers/payments/advances. You are able to sort them by four different options: Date, User, From Account, and To Account.

The reports will be grouped differently depending on the option chosen:

The reports will print in landscape format.


See Also

Account Analysis Extract report

Combined Transfers report

Customer Alerts report

Customer Alerts History report

Daily Imports report

Scheduled Transactions report

Session report

Text Transactions report

Transaction Export report

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