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Customer Alerts History report

Customer Alerts History will generate a report with all alerts that have been sent out within a defined Alert Sent Date. Filters and settings can be applied to narrow a search if desired.

The Customer Alerts History report allows a detailed or summary version to be generated. Both versions of the report require a date range to be entered before a report can be generated.

Detail Report

The detail version of the report allows users to filter by any combination of the following filters:

  • Username: Username of the customer who received the alert
  • Delivery Type: Text, Email, or All are options available
  • Device Name: The name of the mobile device that received the alert; this filter is not available when email is selected as the delivery type.
  • Delivery Address: The email address or phone number used for the alert
  • Account Number: The account number the alert is dependent on (if any)
  • Account Type: The type of account the alert is dependent on (if any); Checking, Savings, CD, IRA, Loan, and Login are options available.
  • Alert Type: The specific type of alert (e.g., Login, Balance, Wire Approved), a variety of Cash Management, Custom, Bill Pay, and Security alerts are available for selection. A user can select as few or as many of these options to filter the report.
  • Alert Name: The name given to the alert

None of these filters are required to generate a report and if a filter is required a value does not have to be entered to generate a report either.

The Detail Customer Alerts History report displays the username, account number, account type, alert type, alert name, alert send date/time, device name, delivery address, and delivery type for each alert that is sent out.

Summary Report

The summary version of the report allows users to filter by username, delivery type, device name, and delivery address. These filters work in the same way that they do for the detail version of the report. The alerts in the report are grouped by date, username, or device name based on which sort by option is selected.

The Summary Customer Alerts History report displays the Alert Sent Date, Username, Device Name, Delivery Type, Delivery Time, and Delivery Address for each alert.


See Also

Account Analysis Extract report

Combined Transfers report

Customer Alerts report

Daily Imports report

Online Transactions report

Scheduled Transactions report

Session report

Text Transactions report

Transaction Export report

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