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What is FAD?

Fraud Anomaly Detection is CSI’s Digital Banking fraud monitoring system, allowing bank employees the ability to better track anomalous behavior exhibited by their entire Digital Banking customer base. It provides reporting to the bank on a day to day basis highlighting any behavior that is out of their customers’ norms, and compares all current activity against historical activity and behaviors. CSI Fraud Anomaly Detection (FAD) also allows a bank the ability to challenge customers exhibiting anomalous behavior (in real-time) through the use of challenge questions, token authentication, or out of band authentication.


In This Section

Point-Based System for Business Rules

Areas of Evaluation

Overview and Customer Specific Anomalous Activity Reports

CSI Fraud Anomaly Detection General Settings

Best Practices for the Day to Day Use of CSI Fraud Anomaly Detection

How does the over cap process work?

See Also

Point Settings tab

Overview tab

Customer tab

Other FAD Information

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