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Images tab

This tab allows uploading of images for display throughout the Digital Banking site, as Ads, Backgrounds, or Logos. The bank’s marketing personnel will create an image that they would like to use. Valid file types are .jpeg, .jpg, .gif and .png. Each type of image is criteria specific as described here.

The upper section of the tab allows selection and uploading of images, whereas the lower section allows image library management.

The Image Type selection is how the image will be used.

  • Bank Ad: No longer used.
  • Background: This is only used for the background in the Admin system. This does not apply to the customer view.
  • Logo: This is only used to upload the logo image to the Admin system. It does not apply to the customer view.
  • Favicon: Maximum resolution is 64 x 64 pixels. The image will appear in the header bar and on applicable tabs in the web browser window.
  • DashPFMAd: No longer used.
  • Custom Text Image: This allows the bank to upload images that can be used in the Custom Text fields in Digital Banking.

To upload an image, click Select Image. The browser window opens. Select the image you wish to upload adhering to the following:

  • Valid file types are jpg, jpeg, png, and gif
  • Resolution allowed varies for the three types allowed
  • File size is limited to 500k

After you select the desired image, the image uploads without intervention.

Cancel is available while the image is uploading, and then it will disappear.

The bottom portion of this screen allows you to preview uploaded images. Clicking on an uploaded image name to the left will display it in the right box.

Images display separately by image type. View images per type by selecting image type desired, BankAd, Background, or Logo.

To delete an image, select the x button.

These images are now available for selection in the Properties tab and Ads tab.


See Also

Properties tab

Account tab

Account Defaults tab

ACH tab

Stops tab

Rel Codes tab

Locations tab

Terms tab

Custom Text tab

Campaigns tab

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