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Properties tab

This tab allows maintenance of the general properties and of the theme of the Digital Banking webpage.

Left Column

  • Bank Name: The name of the financial institution.
  • Bank Text Messaging Name: only visible when text alerting is enabled for the institution. This appears in the from sender on text alerts.
  • City: The financial institution's city.
  • State: The financial institution's state.
  • Routing Number: The bank's routing number
  • Privacy Policy URL: Enter the bank’s URL (website address) to point to the Privacy Policy. When a customer clicks on the Privacy Policy link on the bottom of the page, he is directed to the bank's specific Privacy Policy.
  • Mobile Banking Terms URL: Sets URL for Mobile Banking Terms. Alpha Numeric field with a max of 200 characters. No longer used.
  • Stop Email Notifications: Not used.
  • Head Text Color: This controls the color of the text in the upper right corner of the screen next to the logout button, where it says Welcome: User Name. It also controls the color of the text at the bottom of the page where it says Home, Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Help, and also CSI's copyright.

    Use the drop-down to select the color desired from a wide range of choices to match your internet site:

  • Background color: This changes the background color of the header and footer of the page.

    Note: If both a Background Color AND a Background Image are selected, the Background Image overrides the color selection.

    Use the drop-down as with the Head Text Color and select from the color choices.

  • Message Color: This changes the color of the text for new or unread messages (upper right corner). It also affects the color of the Card Management Link

  • Background Image: Allows selection of the background image from those that were uploaded on the Images tab. The image selected displays in the area around the Digital Banking page.

    To upload new background images, go to the Images tab.

  • Logo Image Name: This gives you the ability to change the logo at the top of the page. To upload new logo images, go to the Images tab.

    Select the image from those images uploaded on the Image Tab:

  • Favicon Image Name: A Favicon ("Favorite Icon") is the image that appears in header bar, tabs, and the favorites bar of the browser.

    The drop down will list images that have been uploaded in the images tab as Favicon Images.

  • Theme: Allows change to the theme. This controls the colors, look, and feel of the admin site. For example, Standard_Blue selection results in the color blue in the account type band when selected with mouse pointer.

    Standard is the most common choice. However, choices exist for variations.

    To illustrate the use of themes, the following is an example of Standard_Green. Even though it might not be an option you would want, it illustrates the usage.

  • Internet Bank Page: Enter the bank's URL for the homepage website. Clicking Home at the bottom of the screen will go to the site input in this field.
  • Bill Pay Site Height: Adjusts the height of the Bill Pay screen on the customer side.
  • Bill Pay Site Width: Adjusts the width of the Bill Pay screen on the customer side.
  • Use Menu: Changes to the Mega Menu view for all employees and customers. The Mega Menu takes the place of the tab strip menu. Customers will still be able to navigate to all allowable areas but the way in which they navigate to the different pages is different when the Use Menu option is enabled.

    Customers will continue to see the main group of menu options; depending on user permissions some of the menu options displayed may not be shown and/or additional options may be shown.

    The menu option grouping that contains the page the user is currently on will be highlighted in white and will be underlined in orange. Hovering over any of the main menu options will cause the menu to expand and all available pages that the user can navigate to will be displayed. Again, the options displayed may be different based on bank settings and customer permissions.

  • Support Tab Text: Specify the title for the Support tab.
  • Display Captcha on Public Forms: This requires the user to enter the characters displayed in the image on the page when they submit the form. This prevents bots and scripts from automatically submitting forms and generating spam for the bank to sort through. Public Pages are designated by marking "This form is publicly viewable" in Messages >> Forms.
  • Enable Auto-Login for Mobile Devices: Must be enabled for your bank in order to be visible. When checked, auto-login is available for mobile devices.
  • Enable PIN Login for Mobile Devices: If checked, this option will allow a customer to log into Digital Banking on their own mobile device using a PIN authentication. If it is unchecked then the bank will not allow PIN login.
  • Minimum PIN Length: This field will be used in digital banking to determine the minimum length of user PINs. It can be set anywhere from 4-20 and is defaulted to 4. Only numerical characters are allowed in the field.
  • Card Management Art: click on the Edit link to view or change card art.

  • Mobile Bank Phone Number: Must be enabled by CSI in order to be visible. Not mandatory. < and > cannot be used in this field.
  • Mobile Bank Email: Must be enabled by CSI in order to be visible. In the Mobile Bank Email field a proper email address is required. Alphanumeric characters are allowed.
  • Facebook page: The URL for the financial institution's Facebook page.
  • Twitter page: The URL for the financial institution's Twitter page.
  • LinkedIn page: The URL for the financial institution's LinkedIn page.
  • Unique Card Funding Attempts Per 24 Hour Period: How many times a customer is allowed to attempt card funding in a 24 hour period.
  • Unique Card Funding Cards Per User: How many times a user is allowed to attempt card funding before user is locked out.

Right Column:

  • From Email Address: Enter the address that system-generated emails will use as a "from" address. This email address is normally used for customer invites, alerts, etc. It must be in the standard format or an error message will appear when you attempt to save.
  • Support Email: Sets Support Email address. Alpha Numeric field with a max of 50 characters.
  • Support Phone: Set Support phone number. Numeric field with a max of 50 characters.
  • Lost or Stolen Card Phone: Enter the phone number associated with lost or stolen card contact information. This field holds a maximum of 50 characters.
  • Use Banner: If an image as a background banner is desired across the width of the page, select it here.
  • Enable Business Bill Pay: Checked by default. If checked, new bill pay subscribers will be prompted to indicate whether they are a consumer or a business. If unchecked, new bill pay subscribers will not be prompted to indicate whether they are a consumer or a business and will be set up as customers.
  • Enable User to Edit Positive Pay Paid Item: Enables customers to be able to edit positive pay paid items that were flagged as an alert.
  • Enable Unbalanced ACH: allows for customers to have a "Balanced When Processed" check box on the Cash Manager, ACH, Edit Batch screen. The "Unbalanced ACH Batch" option for the offsetting account in Security Settings, Customers will also need to be checked.
  • Enable Alert Details: When enabled, this allows for a customer to check mark a box when setting up the alert to receive more detailed information on that specific alert. 
  • Warn if Leaving Main Site via Bill Pay Link: Controls whether users will be prompted when clicking on the Bill Pay tab.  If it is checked, the user will see this warning.  If unchecked, users will not be given notification when selecting the Bill Pay tab.
  • Warn if Leaving Main Site via PFM Link: If this box is checked, the user will be prompted with this message box. With this option unchecked, users will receive no notification when selecting the PFM tab. 

  • Display Member FDIC: The FDIC logo will display on all tabs for both Administrator and Customer.
  • Display Member Equal Housing Lender: The Member Equal Housing Lender logo will display on all tabs for both Administrator and Customer.
  • Warn if Previous Batch Submitted from Different Location Using: This field allows you to automatically display a warning to users who are submitting a batch from a different IP Address or Geographical Location than the last batch. Select the preferred option: Not Selected, IP Address, or Geographical Location. Example warning:

  • Apply ACH Batch Daily as Hard Limit: This setting looks at both the ACH Daily Credit Limit and the ACH Daily Debit Limit field values for an account. If the amount of the batch causes the account to go over the daily limit, the user will be unable to approve it.
  • Notify Cust When Recurring ACH Stopped by Hard Limit: When it is enabled, customers will receive an email anytime one of their recurring ACH batches is stopped due to it going over their account’s daily limit.
  • Apply ACH Tax Daily as Hard Limit: This setting looks at the Tax Daily Limit field values for an account. If the amount of the tax payment causes the account to go over the daily limit, the user will be unable to approve it.
  • Apply External Xfer Daily as Hard Limit: This setting looks at both the Outbound Daily Limit and the Inbound Daily Limit field values for an account. If the amount of the external transfer or payment causes the account to go over the daily limit, the user will be unable to approve it.
  • Apply Wire Daily as Hard Limit: This setting looks at the Wire Daily limit field value for an account. If the amount of the wire causes the account to go over the daily limit, the user will be unable to approve it.

    Warning! Wires created using a foreign currency do not count towards the daily limit.

  • Allow International Wire Transfers: This option allows international wires to be submitted when the option is enabled. When the new option is enabled, a new checkbox labeled "This is an International Wire" appears when submitting a new wire. The checkbox does not appear when international wires are disabled. If the user wishes to submit a domestic wire, they should leave the new checkbox unmarked and complete the wire as they did before. When this box is checked, two more fields will be available:
    • Use Secondary Financial Institution for International Wires: check this box if a secondary financial institution will be needed for international wires.
    • International Wires Sender Routing Number: enter the routing number associated with sending international wires. If this field is blank, we will use the bank's "Routing Number" field in the 3100 element of the file for international wire transfers. When the field is not blank, then the bank's routing number and short name will move to the 5100 element of the file for international wires, and the sender's routing number and short name will be inserted into the 3100 element of the file for international wires.
  • Wire Xfer Short Name: pertains to the telegraphic name associated with the bank’s routing number in Fed’s system and is optional. The field allows a total of 18 characters to be entered.
  • Wire Xfer Endpoint ID: identifies that bank as a sending/receiving authority in the FedWire system and is required for the use of the wire file.
  • Default International Wire Correspondent Routing: The default correspondent bank routing number. This field will be blank by default. If this fields is left blank and one is not entered by the customer when creating an international wire transfer, the Bank Routing Number (top left of Properties tab) will be inserted.
  • Default International Wire Correspondent Name: The default correspondent bank name. This field will be blank by default. If this fields is left blank and one is not entered by the customer when creating an international wire transfer, the Bank Name (top left of Properties tab) will be inserted.
  • Sub User Access: Three settings are available:
    • Do not Allow: Disables the use of all sub users.
    • Allow All: Default value, will give all Digital Banking users the ability to create sub-users and set up permissions.
    • Cash Management Only: Only allows the access of sub-users whose master users have access to the cash management options as listed below:

ACH Access

Approve Own Batch

Wire Transfer Approval

Edit ACH Debits

Unbalanced ACH Batch

Approve Own Wire Transfers

Edit ACH Credits

ACH Tax Payment

Wire Transfers Rejection

Edit ACH Amt Only

Approve ACH Tax

Delete Wire Transfers

ACH Participants Only

Wire Transfer Access

Delete Own Wires

Approve ACH Batch

Wire w/o Template

Positive Pay Access

Note: The Financial Institution cannot set up Sub-Users for customers.

  • Allow Existing User on Subuser Invite: Checking this field allows a sub-user who is invited to IB to be able to login using a master user’s credentials and merge both the sub-user and master user’s accounts together. When they receive the invite email link and click on it they will be taken to the User Setup page and have the ability to choose "I already have a user name." They will then login using master user credentials.
  • Hide Bill Pay Account Widgets: Allows the bank to show or hide the Bill Pay options per customer level.
  • Dashboard PFM Ad:
  • Foreign Currency Setting: Allows the setup of foreign currency within digital banking for transactional purposes.


See Also

Account tab

Account Defaults tab

Images tab

ACH tab

Stops tab

Rel Codes tab

Locations tab

Terms tab

Custom Text tab

Campaigns tab

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