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New Users report

The report has both a detailed and summary version and gives employees the ability to search for users that were added for a desired date range.

The detailed version of the report allows employees to search by Employee User Name, Email Address, Invite Answer, Name, and User Name. Employees are also able to search for new users who have been added during the desired date range but have never logged in.

Search filters are not required to generate a report nor are values when a search filter is marked. This applies to both versions of the report.

Filters may be used independently or in combination with each other.

Detailed Version

The detailed version of the report groups new users by the date that they were set up. In the Employee User Name column, there are three possible options: users added through Self Enrollment are grouped under "Self-Enrolled" for the Employee User Name, "Sub User" appears in this column if the user is a subuser; otherwise, the username of the employee who added the user will appear in this column. The detailed report displays the Username, Name, Email Address, Invite Answer (if user has not yet logged in), Setup Date, Last Login Date (if one exists) and Employee Username.

Summary Version

The summary version of the report allows users to search by date range and/or Employee User Name. The system can also search for new users who have been added during the desired date range but have never logged in.

The summary version of the report groups new users by their setup date. The report lists a total for each employee for the date range and also a grand total of new users added by all employees. Users added through Self Enrollment are grouped under "System" for the Employee User Name.


See Also

Account Access Change report

ACH Tax Payment Maintenance report

Alerts Maintenance report

Bank Settings Maintenance report

Batch Detail Maintenance report

Cash Management Batch Maintenance report

Cash Management Company Maintenance report

Customer Access Change report

Customer Account Change - Removed/Added report

Deleted Inactive Customers report

Employee Access Change report

Employee User Activity report

External Accounts Maintenance report

Message System Maintenance report

Pending Loan Payment Maintenance report

Pending Transfer Maintenance report

Restricted Accounts Maintenance report

Sub User Change report

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