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External Accounts Maintenance report

Users have the option to filter the report by date; search fields; the user affected by the changes; whether the maintenance was an update, an insert, or a deletion, and the person who performed the maintenance.

Marking any of the search filters will populate the corresponding search fields.

  • A date range is required when the Date box is checked in order to generate the report.
  • The Field Name dropdown lists all fields and includes a Check All option that will mark or unmark all field names at once. A report can be generated using all field names or any combination of field names.
  • The Affected search filter allows users to filter the report by the username of the customer who was affected by the maintenance. When searching by "Affected," the Foreign Account Number will now display as the External Account number. When searching by what was affected, you should be looking at the External Account Number, not the user.
  • The Action Done dropdown allows users to filter by the type of maintenance that was done. The options for this filter are Insert, Update, Delete, and the Check All option, which will mark or unmark the 3 other options. Any combination of these options can generate a report.
  • The By filter allows for reports filtered by the username of the person who performed the maintenance. The By filter operates with either employee or customer username.

It is also possible to navigate through the search fields/filters using the keyboard by adding the following features: the space bar can be used to mark or unmark checkboxes, the field can all be accessed by tabbing, and the Enter key will generate a report when pressed in the Affected or By search fields.


See Also

Account Access Change report

ACH Tax Payment Maintenance report

Alerts Maintenance report

Bank Settings Maintenance report

Batch Detail Maintenance report

Cash Management Batch Maintenance report

Cash Management Company Maintenance report

Customer Access Change report

Customer Account Change - Removed/Added report

Deleted Inactive Customers report

Employee Access Change report

Employee User Activity report

Message System Maintenance report

New Users report

Pending Loan Payment Maintenance report

Pending Transfer Maintenance report

Restricted Accounts Maintenance report

Sub User Change report

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