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Marketing using E-Mail Campaigns

E-mail Campaigns are designed to get in touch with your customers and drive excitement and interest about new options and features. This is a quick and easy way to get in touch with a specific group of customers.

How to Set Up E-mail Campaign Criteria

  1. When you click on the Marketing tab, the Reporter tab comes up by default.
  2. You will be able to select the Category, Field, Operator, and Value(s).

    Example: Customers that do not have Personal Finance Manager Enabled.

  3. Click the Preview button. The system will then generate a list to show the customers that fit the specified criteria.

How to Build an E-mail Template

After setting up the campaign, you will need to create an E-mail template.

  1. Under the Marketing >> Templates tab, you can create a message with images to send to your customers that fit the specific criteria.
  2. You can use HTML codes in the Body field.
  3. You will then be able to send a test email that will show you the preview of what the E-mail Campaign will look like from the customers view.

How to Save an E-Mail Campaign

  1. On the Marketing >> Campaign tab, you can set up and save the campaign for your selected audience.
  2. Click the Add New Campaign link.
  3. You will provide a name for the Campaign, the name of the Template that you created, the Category, and the Report.

    Note: It will give you the date and time the last time the campaign was run.

How to View Campaign Stats

Under Marketing >> Stats, you will be able to view the e-mails you sent to all of the customers during the campaign. It will also show you who has viewed and clicked the link within the e-mail, as well as the action taken. The Action Taken will show users that have completed the action associated with the selected Reporter.


See Also

When the customer user name is invalid, why does it ask the security question instead of saying it's invalid?

Changing a Customer’s Password

Helpful Reports to Review

How are customer alerts generated?

Manually Adding a Customer

Manually Building a User

Password Security Check

How to Set Up Custom Text

Searching for a Customer

Editing a Customer’s Security Question Answers

Unlocking a Customer

Adding Accounts to a Profile

Removing Accounts from a Profile

What is a Universe?

Managing Self Enrollment Requests

Managing A2A (External Transfers)

Processing Wires

Automatic Wire Processing

Processing ACH

SBA 7(a) Express Lending Platform

Setting Up ACH Positive Pay

Corporate Customer Process: Managing Filters on Accounts


Card Transaction Disputes

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